About Me

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Bristol, United Kingdom
I live in Bristol with the long-suffering Chris, having recently moved there from Sheffield. I stitch, read and play computer games but don't like talking to other people much. Socialising is easier on a computer.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Here are a couple of my promised pictures:
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Sampler Mystery II


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Some Christmas pudding earring (boy, were they fiddly) and a teeny biscornu. There's a verse on the back of the biscornu but I had to make it so small to fit it on that it wouldn't be legible on a photo - you can only just read it in real life. It says "The first snow, Just enough to bend, The leaves of the daffodils".

I had hoped to get more done for my mum for Christmas, although she seems thrilled with what I've given her. I shall plough on with the other bits and she can have them for her birthday in March. If they are done by then!


Toukan äiti said...

Sampler Mystery II is just stunning! I finished it about a year ago and the over one almost drove me crazy, but now that I look at it, it was worth every minute, don't you think so too?

Salilouisa said...

Oh, I know, those letters! One length of thread into them for every length worked on another bit of the design and they were still the last item I worked on. But I love them now (that I don't have to stitch them again).

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