About Me

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Bristol, United Kingdom
I live in Bristol with the long-suffering Chris, having recently moved there from Sheffield. I stitch, read and play computer games but don't like talking to other people much. Socialising is easier on a computer.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Oh dear. I've been so lax. In my defense, I've only spent one weekend at home in May, had a week of temp work and have been ill twice (one during the week of work). I'm still recovering and now have four months of work which is good because I can buy more stash but bad because I don't have time to stitch it.

But how did I do on my goals?

1. Finish Ant's wedding sampler
Yes, picture to follow later this week
2. Finish Justine's wedding sampler when the last thread turns up
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3. Reach halfway on White Lightining
Does it count if I reached it on 1st June?
4. Finish EP
Hear my hollow laughter. No where near!
5. Rebel against continually stitching for others and start Spirit of the Southwest
Yes, but then this was the easy one.

Goals for June:
1. Finish White Lightning or get within spitting distance
2. Finish flower beds on 18C Southern Garden
3. Finish the two Octagons started on Spirit of the Southwest, if White Lightning finished.

I can't have too many goals this month because I have a deadline of 5th July on White Lightning and I'm going on holiday for a week on 30th June. Ulp.

I also (finally) have a photo of my framed Jardin du Roi (formerly Mystery IX) from Chatelaine. The mounts were done wrong, but since it was my gift to my mum, she got it framed and couldn't be bothered to make a fuss, I'm washing my hands of it!
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