About Me

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Bristol, United Kingdom
I live in Bristol with the long-suffering Chris, having recently moved there from Sheffield. I stitch, read and play computer games but don't like talking to other people much. Socialising is easier on a computer.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Been busy, busy, busy. Two weeks ago we spent the weekend at my parents because it was my mum's birthday on the Friday and mine on the Sunday. Had a rather nice curry on the Saturday night (at the Bengal on Mayne Street, Stoke-on-Trent). Then the following weekend (last weekend) my brother and his fiancée came to visit. Poor Helen spent the Saturday in bed as she'd picked up a stomach bug from her niece. Then my parents came down Tues-Thurs this week to use our house as a base for a mini-break. This weekend we will be visiting Chris' parents and then on Thursday next week I am going on a spa day with my mum. Afterwards, I will be hiding in a cave for a month.

But in stitching news, I have finished Cliffside Beacon in time for Chris' mum's birthday, and it's been framed.
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It's not the world's best photo. And if possible, try to ignore the ant that's crawling on it.

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