About Me

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Bristol, United Kingdom
I live in Bristol with the long-suffering Chris, having recently moved there from Sheffield. I stitch, read and play computer games but don't like talking to other people much. Socialising is easier on a computer.

Monday, July 28, 2008

It's been a time of frogging. Aside from Celtic, I've had major frog sessions on 3 other WiPs. Everything is finally frogged. But it left me feeling a bit sick of everything craft related. I finally feel like I'm getting my stitching mojo back but I've also had patches of not feeling too well which I'm blaming on trying to give blood at work for medical research. They only wanted 40ml and I did warn them about the fainting episode when I originally tried to give blood when I was 19 but the considered opinion was that it would be OK. I did manage to get to the end of the session this time but passed out as everything was being put away. This has prompted them to set up a list of People Who Should Never Be Asked For Blood, Ever! so it must have been a doozy. I've been having on and off trouble with dizziness ever since, back to the levels I had before we moved. Although the heat may not be helping with this (but I'm not going to be so British as to complain about the nice weather.)

Despite all this, I do have some pictures to post. First is Suz's RR:

I finally finished my brother's house-warming present. I'm pleased with how this has turned out. In this picture, the pumpkins aren't backstitched. I had to hurriedly get that done one morning so that my mum could take them to get them framed.

And the much be-frogged first part of Chatelaine's Holland Springtime Mandala. I started this to cheer me up when I had so much frogging on Celtic. Only to go massively wrong and need to frog that too. I'm halfway through part 2 and have realised I have a mistake on that part, too, but that mistake I can live with and so will not be frogging.

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